Sunday, September 24, 2006


At last, I have something to report. It's only been a month, so quit yer belly-achin'.

This afternoon, my husband and I cut the over-the-window shelf ends. Whoopee! As usual, it took 20 times longer than planned--thanks to a way out-of-alignment slanted ceiling and our reluctance to cut "too short" the first (or 10th) time. I'm only about 5 weeks behind on my "plan." So what else is new?

I was supposed to plant the mums I bought yesterday, but I never had the time. I had time yesterday, but it rained all afternoon, so I couldn't get them in the ground. At least yesterday afternoon was somewhat relaxing! I needed it.

I didn't get more done today because I was also trying to teach my 12-year-old daughter the basics of sewing on the machine so she could make her Jackie Kennedy "puppet" for a book report. Now I know why I never had the desire to make doll clothes. They're too small to sew!! After poking myself several times with pins and burning my finger on the hot glue gun, I finally finished my helper role. At least I think I did. She has to draw the face now and write her 2-minute presentation.

Add to all that Sunday School, church, a long church meeting after the service, and taking my elder daughter to a play audition--not much time left. It's nearly 8 p.m., and we haven't even eaten dinner yet. Just leftovers, but the younger daughter got a bee in her bonnet to bake yeast bread from scratch today--while I was running to the theatre. You can imagine the mess. Thanks, Carol! You gave her the cookbook, you oughta be here to clean up the kitchen :-)

Can't wait to taste the bread, though. It smells good. Lots better than the fragrance of burned flesh.
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