Sunday, September 24, 2006


At last, I have something to report. It's only been a month, so quit yer belly-achin'.

This afternoon, my husband and I cut the over-the-window shelf ends. Whoopee! As usual, it took 20 times longer than planned--thanks to a way out-of-alignment slanted ceiling and our reluctance to cut "too short" the first (or 10th) time. I'm only about 5 weeks behind on my "plan." So what else is new?

I was supposed to plant the mums I bought yesterday, but I never had the time. I had time yesterday, but it rained all afternoon, so I couldn't get them in the ground. At least yesterday afternoon was somewhat relaxing! I needed it.

I didn't get more done today because I was also trying to teach my 12-year-old daughter the basics of sewing on the machine so she could make her Jackie Kennedy "puppet" for a book report. Now I know why I never had the desire to make doll clothes. They're too small to sew!! After poking myself several times with pins and burning my finger on the hot glue gun, I finally finished my helper role. At least I think I did. She has to draw the face now and write her 2-minute presentation.

Add to all that Sunday School, church, a long church meeting after the service, and taking my elder daughter to a play audition--not much time left. It's nearly 8 p.m., and we haven't even eaten dinner yet. Just leftovers, but the younger daughter got a bee in her bonnet to bake yeast bread from scratch today--while I was running to the theatre. You can imagine the mess. Thanks, Carol! You gave her the cookbook, you oughta be here to clean up the kitchen :-)

Can't wait to taste the bread, though. It smells good. Lots better than the fragrance of burned flesh.


Blogger Carol Tiffin James said...

Hey, you DID post something! Yay! Me clean the kitchen? In your DREAMS. Hee hee.

7:48 PM  
Blogger Tif said...

BTW, the bread DID taste delicious. I'd send you some, but by the time it got there, it wouldn't taste so good anymore.

Now she wants to cook an entire dinner. I can't wait to see the kitchen after THAT.

10:09 AM  

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