Thursday, July 06, 2006

Stacked Runway

I heard a comment today on NPR that I will hang onto for some time. An author lamented the lack of time to write all the stories that she has in her head. She said her life is like a runway with a line of planes backed up, waiting to take off.

I liked that analogy! It fits me perfectly. All those projects I have yet to start, as well as those still in progress and those in limbo, are like planes waiting on the runway. The only problem is, there seems to be no air traffic controller on duty. Even if they all take off (which sometimes they do), they never seem to land. Too much busy-ness in the skies! Too many near collisions.

Next week, I turn a half century old. My life is more than half over. If I'm ever going to set and meet a goal, it's now. Will the second part of my life be as chaotic as the first? Will I ever finish the shelf project, get that book published, take that long road trip through Virginia to DC again?

Apparently, I have another new project--learn to be an air traffic controller.


Blogger Carol Tiffin James said...

Considering you have children, the rest of your life is CERTAIN to be as hectic. Once a mother, always a mother. By the way, we have been in the second half of our lives for a few years now. 50 is only the middle dividing line if you think you will live to be 100.


(PS - I think those other planes in the air who can't land are mine.)

5:26 AM  
Blogger Tif said...

I'm going to live to at least 100, aren't you???

We would truly be "The Odd Couple" then :)

10:43 PM  
Blogger Carol Tiffin James said...

Oh, my - Doesn't the TSA have age limitations in the membership requirements?

8:34 AM  

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