Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Check Those Purchases

My company has left, so I'm taking a few moments to catch up on my blog. Since I've had out-of-town visitors for a week, I haven't done anything on the shelves, though I did finish installing the 3" face trim before they got here. Hopefully, I'll fill the nail holes, caulk, and do the crown molding this weekend to complete the woodworking part of it. Stay tuned.

I read today that some unsuspecting construction workers and plumbers found surprises in their Home Depot bathroom purchases this week--apparently, there were drugs inside the bathroom vanity cabinets they picked up from one or more Massachusetts stores. We may very well be replacing our master bath vanity cabinet shortly, so that caught my eye. I doubt I would even know what drugs looked like if I found them in my cabinet. I'd probably think they were packages of hardware or just paper trash that needed to be tossed.

I'll have to look more carefully the next time I'm shopping there. I'd hate to bring something home like that and have the dog get into it!


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