A New Generation

After seeing the usual crop of Mother's Day toasters and vacuum cleaners in today's newspaper circulars, it was heartening to get some more encouraging news about a three-year-old "future mother" who's also . . . a budding carpenter!
My great niece celebrated her third birthday yesterday, and she started the day out by going to Home Depot kids' workshop with her dad. Later, one of her favorite gifts turned out to be a multi-piece tool set, also from Home Depot. (Good for you, Home Depot!)
She says she wants to help her daddy build out their basement, which she apparently has been watching him work on.
I don't know about daddy, but great auntie would be more than happy to have some help down here!!! That may be the only way I'll ever finish some of this stuff. Just look at that serious face--now that's a committed carpenter!
Actually the tool set came from Toys R Us. Cute kid! ;)
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