The Morning After

Happy Easter!!
After the day I had yesterday, you'd think I wouldn't be breathing today. But fortunately, that's not the case.
Yesterday, I had absolutely no energy--zip, zero, nada. I don't know if it was a sinus infection or just plain sleep deprivation, but I could barely move. After I went to the grocery store, I collapsed on the couch for about three hours of blissful napping. (I awoke to a huge mess in my kitchen and the sounds of my girls screaming with glee outside as they chased each other with a jug full of fruit tea. But that's another story.) Even after the nap, though, I was still lethargic. I vegetated on the couch all evening before finally retiring to bed about 11 p.m. Sometime in the night, though, the tide apparently turned, and I awoke this morning refreshed and rarin' to go.
Since I accomplished nothing so far this weekend on the project, I got down to business today, after we attended Easter services, of course. I've primed all the remaining trim and applied one coat of paint to it. I switched back to oil-based paint on the trim, though, because I really prefer its smooth texture and finish. I had used latex on the rest of the left hutch and cabinets, which made for much faster painting (and cleanup), but I am already disappointed in the durability of the desktop. It's not holding up as well as the right desktop. So for those areas not already painted with latex, I'm using oil.
Of course, that means one coat is all I'll get on the trim today. It will take forever to dry. That's ok, though, because the remaining oil-based paint in the can needs straining, and I haven't got anything to strain it with. I'm not going to go to Home Depot today--even if they're open. No use, since I can't do the second coat anyway.
At least I got something done. And we even had time for a nice, long family walk with the dog!
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