Marital Bliss

The latest issue of More magazine has an article about a woman who got closer to her husband after she became interested in carpentry and tools. That wasn't her intent when she started, but it was an unexpected byproduct of the venture.
I can see her point, somewhat. I recall one night when my husband and I were debating the merits of certain brands of a power tool. It was hilarious, in retrospect. Who'd have ever thought we'd be doing that?
But since my husband and I both have so many interests (and too little time), we don't have much opportunity to work on projects together. When I need his brawn on my hutch project, he accommodates my request, but more often than not we're doing separate things. Right now, he's much more into his dirt bike than woodworking, which leaves me pretty much on my own with the power tools.
And that's ok with me. I've finally overcome my fear of the table saw, and I can usually manage it on my own unless I have a huge piece of wood that needs extra outfeed support. But when I need the pickup to tote something home from Home Depot or Lowe's, I rely on him. I absolutely HATE to drive that stick shift, especially in traffic.
I've also heard it said that couples bond when one teaches the other how to drive. About the only bond I had when he was teaching me to drive a stick shift years ago was the one between the steering wheel and my hands!
Love the new photo!
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