Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Take It--Please!

I read today that HGTV is launching a new show called, "Takeover My Makeover." The show features a professional designer who comes in to "rescue" a do-it-yourselfer who's tried (and failed) to design a room.

The type of design they're talking about is interior design, not heavy-duty renovation. It seems to focus mainly on things like paint, color, wallpaper, furniture selection and arrangement, etc. Sounds interesting enough.

But what I'd really like to see is a version that has a designer rescue a project like mine. Takeover my makeover, please! Finish this project before it finishes me!

Why are we so apt to give up before we finish things we start? I imagine one of my reasons is the inordinate length of time I've been working on this one project--more than two years now. Heck, some marriages don't last that long! If two people can get sick of each other in that span of time, you can imagine how I feel about these bookshelves.

I'm a little frustrated today because I got nothing done this weekend except to carry the trim from the garage to the bedroom. Whoopee! What an accomplishment! And I don't foresee getting much more done this weekend, either. We're trying to clear out the dining room in preparation for a new piano--a chore that is not unwelcomed but is time-consuming. Then we have to post ads and try to sell all the furniture that's coming out of the room!

A takeover sounds pretty good to me right now.


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