Monday, May 29, 2006


No, that title's not a reference to Memorial Day. (And, yes, I know the difference between Memorial Day and D-Day.) It simply is a reminder to me that today is my final day to do the tasks I had on my original list for this 3-day weekend. And since I am batting 0 right now, I guess I can only go up, right?

Suffice it to say that circumstances have prevented me from even beginning to tackle any of the projects I mentioned a couple of days ago. Oh, I've worked my butt off, but not at that. Yesterday, I nearly had heatstroke from mowing the front and back yard, pruning the rosebushes and fig trees, and watering. Add in some "have-to" grocery shopping, laundry, church, Sunday School, meeting, and sleep--there goes the day! Saturday was similar, though not as hard physical work. Busy just the same.

I got up early this morning and immediately took care of setting up my soaker hoses in the vegetable garden, did a couple of loads of laundry, emptied the D/W, cooked/ate breakfast, and fed the dog. I decided to take a break to check email and post on the blog since the younger daughter is sleeping in the older daughter's bed--and that's the room with the shelves! (How convenient.) At any rate, she just got up, and so should I.

I'm determined to get ONE THING done today on my list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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