Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Don't Get A Weather Forecaster to Build Your House

Sometimes I think I'm the most naive person in the world when it comes to carpentry. Then some nut comes along and proves that even dumber folks exist.

Case in point: today's national news includes a wire story about the need for New York City to be prepared for a disastrous hurricane. What got me wasn't the talk about New York and hurricanes--they're on the east coast, you know. What floored me was this comment by a National Weather Service forecaster:

"It's not like we can all run down to Home Depot and pick up these two-by-fours to board up windows," said John Koch, lead forecaster at the NWS forecast office in New York.
Hello?? This guy may be a know-it-all when it comes to weather, but he's a numbskull when it comes to wood. Anyone who even gives a cursory glance at the news when it's hurricane season knows that homeowners board up their windows with plywood--not two-by-fours! Can you imagine?

Question: How many two-by-fours do you need to board up a window?
Answer: None, unless you're a weather forecaster!
Earth to Mr. Koch--since you can't make it to Home Depot, please do an online search to see what a two-by-four looks like. You may be surprised.


Blogger RJB said...

I almost peed my pants laughing at this.

6:40 PM  

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