Monday, June 26, 2006


I opened today's mail and started salivating--a gift card from Lowe's for $10 off my next $25 purchase. Now, I've had one of these before, but I was too slow in responding so it expired. I'm giving into the temptation this time, and I will make a beeline to Lowe's on Saturday to spend my pot o' gold.

Lowe's is no slouch, though, and I'm sure they know me all too well--and lots of folks like me. They know that I can't get out of a hardware store for less than $50, if that. So they're betting they'll more than make up for that tempting gift card. And they're probably right.

Which is also why my husband winced when he saw it drop out of the envelope today. That is, until I opened the Visa bill and saw the two rather large motorcycle repairs on there. "Oops, I thought I was spreading those out," says he.

I guess we're even.


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