Another Weekend
When we first bought this house 10 years ago, my husband mentioned that one day he would like to build a workshop in the backyard, just beyond the garage. I was appalled at the time. His site was exactly where I wanted my vegetable garden. Of course, there was an old, diseased pecan tree in the way, but we both envisioned it coming down to accommodate our respective but conflicting dreams.
Fast forward to now. I got my vegetable garden a few years ago, but it ended up being in the back corner of the yard. We finally cut down the ailing tree last fall. Except for our Sheltie's gravesite next to the fence and a poor substitute for a compost pile, the site we both coveted is now bare.
Of course, now we both want the workshop, but we haven't got the money to build it. Isn't that always the way things go??
The idea of a heated place to work on my projects is so appealing, especially right now when it's so cold that I can see my breath. Think of how much I could get done! I could build things in the evenings instead of watching TV, doing laundry, or surfing the Internet. And I could do it year-round, not just when we have Daylight Savings Time. Why, both my husband and I could spend hours out there together--him, tinkering with his dirt bike and me, routing and sawing. What a pair we would make!
I guess that's what we have to look forward to in our retirement. No sign of that money tree growing in the backyard just yet.