At my suggestion, my immediate family has decided that we all have to make at least one Christmas gift for each other this holiday season. The last few Christmases have been very unfulfilling for me, personally, because of the stress and "busyness" that seems to grow each year. I thought that making at least one gift would force us all to slow down and re-evaluate the reason we give gifts. Of course, now that it's only two months away, and I've yet to start on one gift, I'm wondering if I was crazy to make the suggestion!
Ideally, I'd like to make my gifts from wood, but I've no clue where to start. (Too bad I can't count the window seat as a gift for my eldest daughter!) I've done a cursory review of some free plans online, and they're either too hard, too expensive, or unsuitable for my family.
If necessary, I suppose I'd be willing to sew something. But considering I've got several unfinished sewing projects already on the machine, that doesn't hold a lot of appeal for me. (Of course, I also have several unfinished wood projects, don't I?)
Whatever I select needs to be relatively simple, relatively small (must be able to hide it in this house, somewhere!), and useful. That last one is important to me. At my age, I've come to the realization that so much of what we give and want is totally unnecessary. As my husband would say, it's "country kitchen." In other words, a pretty bauble to hang on a wall or set on a shelf. I think I've collected enough of those things for one lifetime, so I'm really interested in something utilitarian.
Now finding something useful yet desirable for a preteen and teenager is a challenge, I realize. But I think it can be done.
I did print out a free plan to make a wooden lap desk, which I thought might be something to make for both daughters. The eldest seems to enjoy doing her homework while sitting in bed (despite the two desks she has!), while the youngest is usually lying on the floor doing her assignments. But would I be able to hide something like a lap desk? The pattern looks pretty big to me.
I may make my mother an address plaque for her house. That should be pretty simple, if I buy the numbers to go on it :-) She really needs one, and she's so hard to buy for.
As far as my husband is concerned, I won't even mention any thoughts for his gift since he sometimes reads this blog. Perhaps he could make an anonymous comment with a suggestion for me?
Regardless, I think this weekend is crunch time for me to get started on these things. I certainly don't want to add to my holiday stress by staying up all night Christmas eve with the table saw!