Sunday, April 17, 2005

So tired

Despite my good intentions, I accomplished little this weekend. We had a funeral to attend and two soccer games, plus I had to work a few hours yesterday. I did spent about 5 minutes contemplating the crown molding (actually holding it in my hand and eyeballing the configuration), but at 4 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, I decided I was just too tired.

I've felt fatigued all day--all weekend. I think it comes from parenting a teenager. I did get a little weeding done in the flower beds and planted more lettuce, but that's about it. Most of my weekend was thinking about what I needed to do vs. doing it. I can think a problem to death, which is why I get so little done. I also have problems finishing one project before I start another. For example, there are still two small spots on our kitchen walls that need painting--just slivers, actually, where the new cabinets were narrower than the old. But I keep putting if off, mainly because I regard it as a "small" job. I have bigger visions--the next desk, the curtains I need to sew, the room that needs painting, my entire veggie garden, new gutters, not to mention the book! My husband understandably gets frustrated with me for having so many things in process.

Maybe some day my teen will be old enough to want to HELP her mother with these projects! Nah--when pigs fly.


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