Saturday, March 26, 2005

Sincerely Yours

I got an email today from This Old House telling me that my recent letter to the magazine will be published in its May 2005 issue! I had written them a thank-you letter for the "Do-it-herself" tools feature in a recent issue. The letter, of course, will be edited for length. I'm glad they actually read it, because I think they should continue to place a greater focus on women.

Great weather today, so I got lots accomplished. I tried out my new angle-finder thing that my husband had given me in the Valentine's toolbox. Actually, it SAYS it's a protractor, but it surely bears very little resemblance to the protractors I used in high school. At any rate, it was WONDERFUL! What a find! Too bad I didn't have it when I was building the hutches. But it came in very handy today to determine my miter angle for the upper trim. Naturally, I had to get a mistake in there somewhere--I cut the overall length a bit too short, after the miter. So I had to go to Home Depot and get a new piece of trim! At least it was only about $7. And I can always use the shorter pieces for something else.

So now all the top trim pieces are cut and primed on one side. I'll prime the backs before retiring tonight and nail the pieces in tomorrow afternoon. Then I'll cut and nail the vertical trim, which will be EASY compared to the angles! I'll lay off the project til next weekend since the next step is the CROWN MOLDING. Just typing that phrase gives me the willies. I've got to do it, though, in order to hide the imperfections on top of the hutches and to unify them with the ceiling and window.

I'll post pix tomorrow after I nail the trim pieces.

A potential, unrelated problem--I noticed at Home Depot that the 18" unfinished base cabinets aren't exactly like the ones I used on this part of the project. They look the same on the front--hinges, doors, drawers. But the bottom of my cabinets is flush, while the bottom of the HD cabinets has a toe kick. I bought these cabinets at a garage sale, and the owner told me she bought them at HD or Lowe's. So I'll check Lowe's to see if they have what I need. I have to match the new cabinets to the ones I've already used since they'll be on opposite sides of the window. That's the next big project. I've got to move faster!


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