Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Good advice

Here it is, a week since my last posting. Time has a way of getting away from you.

I made an effort this weekend to finish the sanding and painting (accomplished!) but also to spend some relaxing time with my family. My daughters had friends over to spend the night, and the family took a Memorial Day afternoon drive to a nearby Civil War battlefield site. It was good to kick back and not feel rushed, for a change.

The fact that I usually feel so compelled to always be "doing" something is perplexing to me. On the one hand, I crave time to relax and do "fun" things. Yet, I feel that pressure to complete my "to do" list at the same time. If I don't accomplish much on my list, my relaxation time is filled with worry, self-recrimination, and frustration. In short--I don't relax! And I certainly don't enjoy it.

There's something to be said for balance. A friend sent me one of those email "thoughts of the day" last week that hit home--it said, "If God didn't finish everything in one day, what makes me think I can?"

So, I will be satisfied that I have completed the cabinet painting and plan to get them installed next weekend. That's it. Nothing more this week. If I can just find satisfaction in the small goals achieved, I will be a much happier person.


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