Monday, March 06, 2006


It's been well over a week since my last post, and my sister is nagging me to get back to my blog. She said she figured if I hadn't blogged about my woodworking, I must not have been doing any of it.

In part, she's right. I haven't done much, anyway. It's just that I'm exhausted from the daily rigors of being a full-time working mother. And frankly, blogging hasn't been at the top of my list lately.

This weekend, I did make some progress, albeit small, on the final hutch. The pieces are now routed for the shelf supports, and they are finally cut to length. The latter was a challenge--the type that I seem to face continually. It took me an hour on Sunday afternoon to set up my equipment and another hour to break it down and clean up. Somewhere in between, I spent about an hour working. And it wasn't the working that tired me--it was the set up and break down! You have to move the vehicles out of the garage, pull out the heavy table saw, set up very heavy metal sawhorses, etc. The router is extremely heavy, too, and since I don't have a router table, it requires special handling.

I only needed to cut about 6 cuts Sunday, but I was able to do only a couple on the table saw before my needs were too big for its fence. Then I had to get out the new circular saw (which works like a dream, by the way). Of course, it takes time to measure and set up a straight edge for that, and I quickly found out that the new circular saw was so heavy that I couldn't even handle it. So I held the piece still while he cut it. (Yes, we also clamped it, but it never hurts to add extra stability. I was well out of the way.)

I realize now that I probably should try to cut all my pieces for all three hutch sections on the same day, to save time and effort in set up and break down. But I have only bought the wood for one hutch, so I guess next week I'll be tackling the other cuts. Fortunately, we'll be on spring break, so I should have a bit of extra time. Good thing, since I'm supposed to be finished with this by March 20. Two years from my start date! Poor daughter . . .


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