Thursday, January 12, 2006

Back in the Saddle

I've avoided blogging for several days for a number of reasons. The main one is I've been plain ol' tired. All the Christmas activities (despite my week off from work) wore me out. Then it was back to the office to get caught up. A few days ago, I got a sinus infection--and that has really worn me out! But I think the main reason I haven't blogged is I got out of the habit. It's strange how you become accustomed to doing the same thing over and over. When you stop--for whatever reason--it's just as easy to get accustomed to NOT doing that thing. Once I didn't blog for a few days, it became harder and harder to force myself to get up and do it.

Now that I've broken the ice, shall we say, let's see if I can resume my fairly regular schedule. This blog is about a year old, now. If nothing else, it's helped me chronicle my failures and successes (few though they be) at my new hobby.

I still haven't finished Amelia's checkerboard, though I have done some work fixing her bookcases. She has two of those cheap, white laminate bookcases that you get at Office Max. These are about 11 years old, since we bought them for her sister when she was three. They've become a little worn but still serviceable. So I'm trying to "fancy them up" a bit.

I bought a 6-foot piece of scalloped trim and painted it to match the bookcase. It was plenty to make two separate pieces with some left over. The scallop trim will help to tie her bookcases into the style of the desk/hutch combo that sits in between the shelves. I haven't installed the trim yet, though, because I'm replacing the bookcase tops, too. That will enable me to have a smoother line on top. Maybe I can finish that this weekend :-)

My original plan for this weekend was to have a garage sale to get a little bit of money from all that stuff in our attic. But with my sinus problem, I think I may just send most of it to the Goodwill instead. I don't think I have the energy to get it all downstairs, much less stand in the cold all morning to haggle over a few kids' clothing items or some curtains. I'd probably do better trying to finish the checkerboard and bookshelves so I can move on to doing the hutch in my older daughter's room.

That was one prediction I made this year--I'll finish her room, poor thing. You see, we don't make resolutions around our house. We make predictions. Mine usually include things like we'll get at least 4-inches of snow this year--a rare occurrence down in these parts, but wishful thinking. My husband predicts babies, marriages, and such in the family. And the girls predict whatever they want to come true. It's interesting to see what really does come true when we reflect on the year later.

Here's another prediction--I'll mess up a bunch of carpentry projects this year. But I'll learn from my mistakes!


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