The Saga Continues

We nearly froze to death last night in our house. Upon getting up this morning, we discovered that the furnace wasn't working. What a night to break! It was the coldest temperature so far this year outside.
My husband, bless his heart, went into the attic to investigate the problem as soon as he got up--before he even had his coffee or got dressed. He tried resetting the furnace, but that didn't help. He checked the filter, but that wasn't the problem. A couple of hours later, he called me at work to tell me he had fixed it. It turned out that the furnace hadn't been getting any power. And just what, you ask, was the culprit? Or WHO?????
Yes, it was our friendly siding contractors. Little did they (or we) know that when they reinstalled the motion detector light on the outside of the house, they broke the circuit that also controls the furnace. The heater hadn't been getting power since mid-day yesterday. We just failed to notice it until we froze our toes off in bed.
The siders have now finished putting up the Hardiplank, and today they finally removed their trailer full of debris from our driveway. (Yay! Now I can back out of the garage without having to maneuver around three vehicles!!)
Still to come--another crew, which will caulk and paint the trim.
Also still to come--a new front storm door. It looks like we'll have to replace it. Just like we had to replace the heating element yesterday in the two-year-old dishwasher! It was under warranty, but the warranty covered only the $100 part--not the $126 labor fee.
Doesn't anybody, anywhere care about careful workmanship these days?
I think the quality workers are few and far between. If you ever find a company/worker you can trust, stick to them like glue.
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