Thursday, July 28, 2005

It's a Dog's Life

My latest This Old House magazine includes a huge spread about dog houses that look like miniature versions of their owners' homes. It's amazing that someone would spend that much to house a dog. I love my two dogs, but they don't even like to get in the dog house when it rains! (Of course, maybe that's because they don't like their dog house. I'll have to keep the magazine away from them before they get any ideas.)

It turns out that TOH is also sponsoring a dog house contest online. Entrants get to build their pooch a new house, take a picture, and compete against other canine carpentry aficionados. Maybe that's what I should do. After all, our dog house is falling apart. It's as old as our marriage, and it certainly looks the worse for wear. (I'm speaking of the dog house here!) My husband built the thing for our first dog, Emma, 16 years ago. It's made it through rain, snow, sleet, "Hurricane Elvis," and temps as high as 100 degrees (not to mention children sitting on its roof). Perhaps the time has come to replace it with something more suitable for the 21st century.

With that in mind, I've done a little bit of browsing online to see what dog house plans are popular--and EASY. That's my first criterion. A project has to be deemed easy by the designers, because even those are hard by my standards! Secondly, the plan has to be free or available for a minimal price. That's right up there with easy. Thirdly, it has to be big enough to accommodate two dogs (one large, one small) but small enough for me to build without hiring a construction crew.

The search is on! (Just don't tell the dogs, my husband, or kids. They think I already have enough unfinished projects!)


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