
Yes, today I finished the desktop, installed it, and put on the cabinet doors. Wow--what a difference it makes at that end of the room! My daughter even commented how big the room seemed once it was put together. All those individual pieces--cabinets, doors, tools, makeshift top, etc.--took up so much room. But once it was all installed, it was a nice, clean line of white. I've included two pix here: one shows the just-completed desk. The other is a wide view of that end of the room, also showing the matching desk/hutch on the right side (sans final trim).
Won't that window seat look good when it's done? It will really tie the two sides together. Of course, I also need to r

Everything today went fine, surprisingly. The only near mishap I had was picking up the wrong screw to attach the hinges. I inadvertently started with the longer screw on the door, and caught myself just in time to feel the hint of it coming through the other side. Yikes! I'm glad that didn't happen. (Thanks to my hardware-smart hubby who noticed that I had simply grabbed the wrong screw, or I would've been off to Home Depot on July 4th! He also held the cabinet doors for me while I attached the hinges, and he graciously notched the corner of the desktop trim with the coping saw so it would fit snugly against the window.)
And I even had time to entertain family and friends for an Independence Day cookout, complete with my husband's delicious burgers. Happy 4th! Not only did I celebrate our country's heritage, I celebrated my independence from Phase 2!!!
Now, on to Phase 3! I'm sure that will be worth at least a couple of months' blogging :0
Congratulations! Looks great!
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