Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Bob the builder

Why is Bob the Builder's team so male-oriented? The only "female" machine is named Dizzy! And she giggles a lot and spins around. Even though she performs a real task, making cement, she is anxious to get back to her headphone tunes and football. Seems like a real airhead.

And Wendy? She seems to be Bob's right hand "man," but she runs the OFFICE. Supportive, calm, organized, helps Bob find his cell phone, and always wears her earrings!

But Bob--he's the "hard-hat wearing, hard-working builder" whose DAD taught him everything he knows. (So much for moms.)

Home Depot or Lowe's ought to come up with their own cartoon characters, including a Tooltime Tammy, who can inspire girls.


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